Corporate Wellness

Smoking, obesity, lack of physical activity, stress, and poor nutrition are the nation’s top health risks. These risks drive 90% of the controllable healthcare costs. As healthcare costs continue to rise, it becomes necessary seek out innovative ways to manage these risk factors.

Helping your employee’s change their high-risk behaviors and lifestyles can not only lower long-term costs, but also provide a huge personal benefit to every individual in your company. A strong wellness program means healthier employees.


Do you want your employees to be as healthy as they can be?
Do you want to contain health care costs at your company?
Do you want to reduce employee time off due to illness?

Did you know…

  • Over a six-year period DuPont reduced absenteeism by 47% from their wellness program participants.
  • In an 18-month study, General Electric reduced health care costs for members of its fitness program by 38% while non-members costs rose 21%.
  • At Union Pacific Railroad 80% of the fitness program participants felt they were more productive at work.

Wellness programs that include educational seminars, smoking cessation classes, fitness center memberships, on-site exercise classes, etc. are worth the investment. Their value is two-fold, both tangible and intangible.

Tangible Benefits

Increased productivityStudies show a correlation between employees who seek out corporate wellness programs and the most productive workers.

Reduced sick leave/absenteeismAccording to a study at Providence General Medical Center, per-capita workers’ comp costs were reduced by 83% and other savings were realized in reduced sick leave and health care costs, following the implementation of a wellness program.

Reduced health care costs including reduced use of health benefits and fewer workers’ compensation claimsFor every $1.00 the Prudential Insurance Co. spent on its fitness program $1.93 in healthcare costs was saved for each employee who participated.

Control of health insurance premiumsBonne Bell began a wellness program and within two years the company received a $36,000 refund from its insurance company because of the reduction in sick claims.

Lower turnoverThe Canadian Life Assurance Co. found that turnover among wellness program participants was 32.4% lower over a seven-year period compared with non-participants.

Improved new employee recruitmentA survey of 130 graduate business students revealed that 77% of the students preferred to work for a company that provided access to an employee fitness facility, and 71% said it would influence their decision if they had to choose between two identical job offers.

Intangible Benefits

Improved employee moraleWellness programs are an inexpensive way to show employees the company they work for is interested in them as total persons.

Increased employee loyalty

Reduced organizational friction

Better employee decision-making

Increased overall job satisfactionAt a time of reduced job security, wellness programs provide a sense of good will and foster a very important message of self-responsibility.